Saturday, October 23, 2010


Something I've been meaning to do for a while now is make my own hairpieces - specifically the 1920s style flower hairpieces very similar to the kinds worn by Mardi Love of The Indigo. You can find them all over on Etsy and even in some clothing and accessory stores, but there's nothing more satisfying than being able to make something of your own that's unique and custom designed just for you.

Here are a couple of pictures that I've rustled up just now as both examples of what I'm referring to, and also inspiration for what I would like to do.

To me these are absolutely stunning. There's something so delicate and yet so bold about them all at the same time. I know all it would take is a pop down to the local Michaels to have a peek at their flowers, a rifle through the craft supplies to pick up the appropriate tools, and then a little elbow grease. I figure the next time I have a bit of cash and time I'll do just that and really force myself to have a go at it. I'll make myself a dare - by the end of next month I'll have two of these made and I'll post them here for everyone's scrutiny.

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